Monday, March 23, 2009

The Accost Of Friendship

her big, full, green eyes did not swell with tears
but two crystal drops did creep as evidence of fears
of the time and seas and skies to part her and one
who'd swift, so swift, in just a year of her heart become
imbibed and joined in such a way so's you could say friends
but such simple a word impales and fails in it's extent
to lend idea of what such word should bring correct to mind
the hearts they share not only live but are filled with life

with the tears caught in tissue and frowns resolved
he found his composure hard then and there to hold
he'd not felt his heart tug to tear for such reason
and he knew gaining greater was his imminent leaving
but for any the traces of memories that ensconced
filled him up with a value of her and friendship's cost
he'd maintain of investment no matter how long
and determined he left to all her doubts prove wrong

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other people waiting

we're not strangers anymore