Friday, August 29, 2008

The Balcony

I didn't want her to leave tomorrow
nor I tonight, so I tried to hide my sorrow
lighting up I smiled knowing she must go
but time on that balcony always feels like home
as she's said before there's been instances though
when her friends had journeyed there all alone
and it creeps on me the instinct to stow
every memory of this place before she goes

silently I wished the moments would slow down
the words and gestures linger just a little longer
the night finally over I trudged up the driveway
consigned near tears in hindsight's sleepy haze
too tired to cry I cringed needing to confide
sighing that not yet and perhaps not for awhile
would I feel strong enough without her near by
still, in my mind our love of best friendship gets filed

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other people waiting

we're not strangers anymore